Collective Worship

A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16

Our Collective Worships are a very important part of our school life and we follow the church calendar to lead our worships. Collective Acts of Worship (CAW) take place daily and are planned on a termly basis to incorporate all major Christian festivals as well as thought provoking and reflective themes and traditions.  Worship focuses on the person of Jesus and His central position in Christian faith, as well as looking to God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

The children start each CAW by joining together in a collective prayer and lighting a candle as a visual reminder of the Holy Spirit with us. This focal point is dependent on the time of year and changes to other objects such as a cross or a picture to allow children to think about what a symbol can represent.   All CAW include reflection, prayer, a hymn and reference to a biblical passage.

A range of leaders include clergy, visitors, class teachers and teaching assistants. The Ethos group also prepare and lead out CAW so that they have ownership and a real feeling of value. They also select children following CAW to evaluate and share their reflections.  Additionally, every Friday we acknowledge and reward the children for achievements both in and out of school, promoting the ethos of the school that all children are valued and that we all celebrate together in letting their light shine.

Each half term the school focus on a different value or series of Bible Scriptures.  During celebration worship on a Friday, children are recognised and awarded a certificate selected by the Ethos group for demonstrating that value in school or within the community. We also acknowledge and celebrate children’s achievements out of school during our celebration worship. We welcome all parents  to join us for worship. 

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from CAW following a discussion with Mrs Appleby, our principal.

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