First Aid & Administration of Medication

A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16

All staff have been trained in Emergency First Aid.  If your child has been treated for first aid they will be issued with a First Aid slip to take home, this includes details of the injury and treatment.  If a serious injury occurs a member of staff will inform you regarding the treatment so far and the next steps required.

It is very important that parents/carers note and follow the following points very carefully.

  • Plasters - Unless otherwise notified, staff will assume that it is acceptable to place a plaster upon a graze or cut that children may incur.
  • Asthma/ Inhalers - Parents/carers are requested to notify the class teacher if their child suffers from asthma. All children who require inhalers to control asthma should have them with them on a daily basis. Inhalers should be handed in to the class teacher, where they will be placed in the Inhaler Bag in each classroom.  Parents/carers are requested to check that inhalers are valid and in working order on a regular basis. A completed 'Administration of Medication Form' must be completed which will be kept with the inhaler in school.
  • Allergies/Epi Pen - Parents of children with severe allergies who may require Epi Pen administration are requested to notify staff as soon as possible. Parents should ensure that Epi Pens are in school and are valid, i.e. within date.  A completed 'Administration of Medication Form' must be completed which will be kept with the epi pen in school

At Warmingham CE Primary, we will only administer medicine if it has been prescribed by a doctor (including Calpol) and we're able to see the prescription label on the packaging.  To make sure your child receives the right dose at the right time, it is the parents responsibility to complete an Administration of Medication Form and leave the medicine with the office staff. The form is available on the website or from the school office. A letter of request is not acceptable.  Medicines and completed consent forms must only be handed into the school office (and not to teachers/teaching assistants on the school yard).  

Children are not allowed to have medicine in their own bags or self medicate unless permission has been obtained from the Principal, Mrs Appleby.

Parents have a duty of care to notify the school of any medical issues relating to their child including medication.

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