Letting Our Light Shine In Our Community
A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16
The words of the Sermon on the Mount remind us that a light should not be put under a bowl – it should give light to everyone, including oneself. In possession of God’s light and His love, it is possible for us all to show something of his light in our families, in our school, in our community and throughout the world.
Caring for our local environment – November 2023
Our Eco Warriors have been working hard to improve our school environment and the world we live in. Within school, they have been promoted lots of different ways to help save our planet and raised everyone’s awareness of biodiversity. In last week's Eco Club they made some bird feeders to ensure our beautiful birds have plenty to eat of the cold winter months.
Linking with our community - Remembrance Service - November 2023
Each November, we lead a service at St Leonard's church to remember those who gave up so much for us. Thsi year very child in school helped to make a poppy which we displayed on a cross.
We also raise money in school for the Royal Bristish Legion by selling poppies. This year we raised £153.15.
Raising money for others - Children in Need - November 2023
This year we all came to school dressed in our PJs to rasie money for Children in Need. We raised £82.90.
Caring for our local enviroement - November 2023
Thanking of others and spreading kindness - Harvest - October 2023
In our world of 24-hour supermarkets – with their shelves bursting with countless pre-packaged forms of wheat, barley and their gluten-free equivalents, with multiple varieties of Manuka honey and chilli infused olive oil – it can be easy for us all to take food for granted. Harvest time is a great opportunity for us to recall and celebrate together the origins of these good gifts – to express our gratitude for the land and people who produce them, and to thank God. This morning we had the opportunity to express our thanks and support others who are less fortunate than ourselves with the help of St Paul's Pantry, our local food bank in Crewe.
Supporting our local community – May 2023
The sun was shining brightly on the Wakes. It was a great day for family fun. A tractor moved through the village pulling a trailer carrying queens, kings and attendants. They walked in procession onto the church field where the Warmingham Wakes Queen and her attendants took pride of place on the stage. Retiring Queen Eve crowned the new 2023 Queen, Rachel. Following this the Wakes was opened by Sophie and Millie, our Head Pupils. The church bells rang, the band played, we danced round the maypole and sang some of our favourite songs beautifully.
Thank you all for supporting the Wakes – whether this was providing jazzy jars for us to sell, helping to run a stall or bringing your children so they could sing and dance. It was lovely to see so many of our current and ex-pupils supporting this event. Amanda and Kate Richardson have both asked me to pass on their thanks for your support. The Wakes raised just over £9000 for St Leonard’s and £658 for school. The PTA would like to thank everyone for their support before and during the event.
Caring for the local environment - May 2023
To commemorate the coronation of King Charles III, Hedgehogs’ Class have been creating a wildflower area. We made seed bombs and today launched them. We now need to cross our ‘green’ fingers and wait for the poppies, cornflowers and forget-me-nots to flourish.
Caring for our local environment – July 2022
Over the last year, our Eco Warriors have been working hard to improve our school environment and the world we live in. Within school, they have been promoted lots of different ways to help save our planet and raised everyone’s awareness of biodiversity.
As a result, of their hard work and the impact they have had, they have been awarded the National Trusts ‘Green Tree Schools’ GOLD award. They are now working towards the platinum award.
Thinking of others – June 2022
Dani, one of our head pupils asked if she can sell ice-creams after school each Friday until the end of term to raise money for the children in the Ukraine and school - we said yes of course. What a lovely way to end the week and raise money for such a worthy course. Dani raised an incredible £162! The money is going to be shared between the United Society Partners in the Gospel and our PTA. Well done Dani.
Caring for our local enviroment - May 2022
Seb took part in litter pick in Elworth. He really enjoyed helping and finding the litter and he said he would love to do one again. He’s hoping to take part in the Warmingham one this weekend. Well done Seb.
Supporting our local community – May 2022
Saturday 7th May turned out to be a lovely sunny day, a great day for the Wakes, a great day for enjoyment and a great day for family fun. A tractor moved through the village pulling a trailer carrying queens, kings and attendants. They walked in procession onto the church field where the Warmingham Wakes Queen and her attendants took pride of place on the stage. Retiring Queen Jess crowned the new 2022 Queen, Eve. Following this the Wakes was opened by Dani and Ashton, our Head Pupils. The church bells rang, the band played, we danced round the maypole and sang some of our favourite songs beautifully.
On Sunday evening the Wakes Queen and her attendants participated in the Wakes Thanksgiving Service in St. Leonard’s Church.
Thank you all for supporting the Wakes – whether this was providing jazzy jars for us to sell, helping to run a stall or bringing your children so they could sing and dance. It was lovely to see so many of our current and ex-pupils supporting this event. Amanda and Kate Richardson have both asked me to pass on their thanks for your support. The Wakes raised just over £9000 for St Leonard’s and £438 for school. The PTA would like to thank everyone for their support before and during the event.
Sharing the ‘Big Story Labyrinth’ with the wider community - May 2022
We created some work to display in the ‘The Big Story Labyrinth’ at St Michael’s church in Middlewich. Each class has focused on one of Jesus’ miracles. The children also learnt some songs which they sang with other local schools and residents of Middlewich.
Spreading kindness in our community - March 2022
Our Year 6 children delivered an Easter card and egg to our local residents. We recieved the following email from one of our local residents:
"Much appreciation from my wife Aditi and me from *** for dropping the lovely card and Easter chocolate box outside our main door. We have recently moved to Cheshire from Scotland and were mighty surprised with this incredibly kind and lovely gesture from a local school, a first for both of us. Much love and affection to Dani for designing the lovely card, there are tell-tale signs of talent of a buddying artist in every stroke there."
Thinking of others - Act of Kindness - January 2022
Imogen has never been keen on having her haircut, but has decided to cut it off and donate it to the Little Princess Trust.
Spreading kindness in our community - Christmas Cards 2021
We delivered some hand made Christmas cards and selection boxes to some local residents and a local residential home.
Raising money for others - Christingle - December 2021
After our Christingle Service the children took home some collection boxes to raise money for the Children’s Society who help children and young adults in the darkest of times. We raised an incredible £118.60.
Linking with our community - Remembrance Service - November 2021
Remembrance Day is always on 11th November. It marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month back in 1918 – over 100 years ago.
We came together this morning to honour those who served in the armed services and thank them for the sacrifices they made for us. Red poppies are a symbol of remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. During WW1, much of the fighting took place in Western Europe. The countryside was blasted, bombed and fought over repeatedly.
Beautiful landscapes turned to mud; bleak and barren scenes replaced them. There was a notable and striking exception to the bleakness - the bright red poppies. These resilient flowers flourished in the middle of so much chaos and destruction, growing in the thousands upon thousands. Some of our relatives and local residents have served in the armed forces to protect us. Some gave their lives for us. We are truly thankful.
Three brave young men from Warmingham gave their lives for our country during World War 1:
Sergeant Richard Ashley who served in the Cheshire Regiment whose motto was ‘ Ever Glorious’. He died of his wounds on 19th October 1914, aged 28.
Private William Boulton was killed in action on 24th April 1916, aged just 21. He served in the 7th Battalion of The King’s Shropshire Light Infantry. The battalion earned the most honours so William was part of a very dedicated and brave group of soldiers.
Private Joseph Henry Thomas died of his wounds in October 1918, only days before the Armistice. Like Richard Ashley he served in the First Battalion of the Cheshire Regiment. They would have known each other, and may have even be good friends.
They are commemorated on the brass plaque on the west wall here in St Leonard’s. The clock in the clock tower was purchased after the war in their honour.
We are also truly thankful to our brave relatives who served in the armed forces to protect us.
Officer Carl Hoyle who served 27 years in the RAF. He completed several tours including some in Afghanistan, Iraq and Bosnia. He even had a mention on the Queen’s Honours List and received a medal from her.
Private Charles Harold William Rawlings served in the 7th Battalion Worcestershire regiment. He was killed in battle.
Private Dennis Rawlings who was killed in battle.
Corporal Stewart Butters served with the Royal Engineers for 13 years. He received medals for serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Corporal Arthur Walker who was in command of a tank in World War Two. He was involved in the D Day invasion.
They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old;
age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them.
Thinking of Others - St Paul’s Pantry – Our Local Food Bank - October 2021
Each year we donate our Harvest gifts to our local food bank, St Paul’s Pantry. They are incredibly grateful for your generous gifts from their message:
‘Thank you so much for all your donations for the foodbank here at St Paul’s Centre. The total weight of your donations is a fantastic 158.57kg!! Well done.
The next few months are predicted to see lots more people needing crisis food so it won’t be long until your food donations make their way into someone’s home. I have attached some photos of crates and shelves that are now full which is wonderful!
I hope you have a great half term. With sincere thanks from all of us at St Paul’s Centre and on behalf of the clients who will receive the food.’
Harvest Display - St Leoanrd's - October 2021
In our world of 24-hour supermarkets – where we can pop in anytime to pick up what we need without any real thought – it can be easy for us all to take food for granted. Sometimes we don’t even have to leave the house! Harvest time is a great opportunity for us to express our gratitude for the land and people who produce them, and to thank God.
‘Be generous and share your food with the poor. You will be blessed for it.’ (Proverbs 22:9)
This morning we had the opportunity to express our thanks and support others who are less fortunate than ourselves. Our new Head Pupils’, Dani and Ashton led the service and each class shared their thanks through poems, arts and singing. The children’s Harvest donations will then be taken to St Paul's Pantry, who support individuals and families in crisis by providing emergency food in partnership with the local churches in and around Crewe. Thank you for your generous donations.
Sharing the ‘Big Story’ with Our Families and the Local Community - May 2021
We have had a wonderful two days in school using ‘The greatest story ever told’. It focuses on eight concepts at the heart of Christianity that we need to understand. These concepts tell the ‘big story’ of the bible through the Old Testament – Creation, Fall, People of God to the New Testament - Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation and Kingdom of God. Each class focused on the concepts that they cover throughout their RE syllabus.
Otters – Creation and Incarnation.
Hedgehogs –Gospel and Salvation.
Squirrels – Fall and Kingdom of God.
Badgers – People of God.
The children worked collaboratively to understand the meaning of their concept, then created some wonderful artwork which will be displayed in church this weekend for the Wakes Service. They will then be presented in school for classes to use as they cover these areas during their RE lessons.
Spreading Hope Amongst Our Families and Local Community - May 2021
We took part in Morrisons ‘Make Good Things Happen’ campaign in order to plant hope for a better future. As part of this, we’re shared ‘messages of hope’ with our extended families and local community.
We sent postcards with messages of hope such as ‘Hope to see you soon’ and ‘Hope your day is full of sunshine’ to our grandparents, friends or family members that they have not seen due to lockdown. We also sent some to our local care home residents and our elderly residents in our local community.
Spreading Kindness in Our Community - Easter Eggs and Cards April 2021
We delivered some hand made Easter cards and eggs to some local residents and a local residential home.
Thinking of Others - Random Act of Kindness - December 2020
One of our Year 1 pupils noticed that one of his elderly neighbours didn’t have a scarf, so he asked his mum if he could buy one for him out of his pocket money. They then left it on his door. The gentleman told his mum that he had been so touched by her son’s kindness. We are all so proud of him – what a real superstar!
Spreading Kindness in Our Community - Christmas Cards 2020
We delivered some hand made Christmas cards and selection boxes to some local residents and a local residential home.
Raising Money for Others - Christingle - December 2020
After our Christingle Service the children took home some collection boxes to raise money for the Children’s Society who help children and young adults in the darkest of times.
We raised an incredible £171.53
Respecting Others in Our Community - Remembrance Day - November 2020
Our Year Six pupils led our Remembrance Service. Over thirty of our families joined us for the service. We appreciate you taking the time to join us as it made the service more meaningful for the children – thank you. I’m sure you’ll agree they did an amazing job. As part of the service, we heard about Three brave young men from Warmingham gave their lives for their country during World War 1:
Sergeant Richard Ashley
Private William Boulton
Private Joseph Henry Thomas
They are commemorated on the brass plaque on the west wall of St Leonard’s Church. The clock in the clock tower was purchased after the war in their honour. We also learnt about some of our relatives:
Officer Carl Hoyle who served 27 years in the RAF. He completed several tours including some in Afghanistan, Iraq and Bosnia. He even had a mention on the Queen’s Honours List and received a medal from her.
Private Charles Harold William Rawlings served in the 7th Battalion Worcestershire regiment. He was killed in battle.
Private Dennis Rawlings who was killed in battle.
Corporal Stewart Butters served with the Corps of Royal Engineers for 13 years. He received medals for serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Corporal Arthur Walker who was in command of a tank in World War Two. He was involved in the D Day invasion.
We raised £117.27 for Royal British Legion.
Raising Money for Others - Children In Need - November 2020
The children enjoyed dressing up in something spotty and raised an incredible £171.20
Thanking Others and Spreading Kindness - Harvest - October 2020
In our world of 24-hour supermarkets – with their shelves bursting with countless pre-packaged forms of wheat, barley and their gluten-free equivalents, with multiple varieties of Manuka honey and chilli infused olive oil – it can be easy for us all to take food for granted. Harvest time is a great opportunity for us to recall and celebrate together the origins of these good gifts – to express our gratitude for the land and people who produce them, and to thank God. This morning we had the opportunity to express our thanks and support others who are less fortunate than ourselves with the help of St Paul's Pantry, our local food bank in Crewe. Anna and Amelie, our Head Girls were both overwhelmed by the amount of Harvest gifts we received. Thank you.
Raising Money for Our Community - Rag-Bag Bin
We now have a new clothes bin. If you have any old clothes or shoes which you no longer require, could you please place them in the bin on the village hall car park. The profits will be shared between us, the village hall and St Leonards.
Thanking Others in Our Community - Rainbows - September 2020
The children made some rainbows to thank all of the key workers and their family who have been working hard to help them safe during these challenging times. The rainbows also included prayers for family and friends they haven't seen for a while.