Our Connected Curriculum
A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16
At Warmingham, alongside our core English and Maths basic skills, we teach through a thematic, Connected Curriculum based approach. This ensures that our children are able to apply their knowledge and draw meaningful links between different areas of the curriculum. We involve our children in planning and choosing exciting topics that will ensure they are fully engaged in their own learning. Our aim is to provide a curriculum which will firstly expand the pupil’s knowledge, experience and imaginative understanding, and thus his/her awareness of moral and Christian values and capacity for enjoyment, and secondly, enable the pupil to enter the world after formal education is over as an active participant in society and a responsible contributor to it, capable of achieving as much independence as possible.
At Warmingham, the school curriculum consists of all those activities designed or encouraged within its organisational framework to provide the intellectual, emotional, personal, social, spiritual and physical development of its pupils which are central to the ‘abundant life that Jesus offers’. It includes not only the subject-specific curriculum, but also the ‘informal’ programme of enrichment and extra-curricular activities (i.e. the local curriculum).
Our strong commitment to educational visits, extra curricular activities and enrichment opportunities reflects our belief that these ‘first hand experiences’ make learning more memorable, ensuring that the children enjoy a stimulating, creative and exciting curriculum. The curriculum also includes those features which produce the school's ethos (our ‘hidden curriculum’) such as the quality of relationships and the values exemplified by the way the school sets about its task.
The school is organised into four classes: Otters (Reception), Hedgehogs (Year 1 & Year 2), Squirrels (Year 3 & Year 4) and Badgers (Year 5 & Year 6). Hedgehogs, Squirrels and Badgers follow the National Curriculum 2014 for Maths and English and our developed Connected Curriculum for non-core subjects. Our teaching is focused on the needs of the individual child. We tailor our teaching to ensure every child makes excellent progress. Classes are also supported by our Teaching Assistants based on the needs of the children. Otters (Reception) plan from the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum whilst ensuring they follow our connected curriculum approach.
We are committed to providing specialist teaching where this benefits the children. We employ specialist music and PE teachers and also provide swimming tuition seasonally. We also welcome parents and friends of Warmingham into school to support our activities (following safeguarding checks).
Copies of our Connected Curriculum can be found below.