Hedgehogs (Year 1/2): Gallery
Reflection of the School Year 2022-2023
Date: 18th Sep 2023 @ 10:09pm
The end of the school year is always a time for reflection and celebration. Not only is it a chance for us to relive some of our most treasured memories from the school year, but it also reminds us of all the interesting topics we have covered. The films below show a snapshot of what we have been doing in school.
Date: 29th Jul 2023 @ 3:32pm
Hedgehogs' Class created mood with their ocean scenes. We first painted the sunset to give mystery and then painted and ripped to create the collage for a stormy sea. Together, this created a backdrop for our sketches of Columbus' Santa Maria.
We then linked our ocean study theme to our design technology. We designed and created our own boats and tested them to see if they floated. To improve our designs, we engineered propellors and attached them to our boats, to make them move.
Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 7:38pm
Hedgehogs' Class have enjoyed their 'fantastic finish' to their geography based study theme.
We visited Blue Planet Aquarium and met ocean creatures such as catfish, dogfish, starfish, manta rays and sharks (Sand Tiger, Zebra and Black Tip Reef). We then met other aquatic creatures such as the Caimans (crocodiles) and pelicans.
An action-packed visit; enjoyed by all.
Andy Holdsworthy inspired sculpture
Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 9:05am
Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy, Hedgehogs’ Class have created their own environmental sculpture. Follow the link to see their inspiration:
Hedgehogs' Residential to Delamere 2023
Date: 10th Jun 2023 @ 3:10pm
Hedgehogs' Class have thoroughly enjoyed their residential trip to Delamere.
An action-packed 2 days:
- Orienteering
- Knot tying
- Shelter building
- Gruffalo hunt (whom we found!)
- Campfire with smores and a sing song
- Sleepover
- Pond dipping followed by a some stream shuffling, where we found many creatures which in turn enhanced our learning about food chains.
Coronation of King Charles III
Date: 8th May 2023 @ 3:08pm
King Charles III is passionate about our environment and conservation. At Warmingham CE Primary, we share his passion and to commemorate his Coronation we have been working on some special projects which will encourage more wildlife into our grounds.
Otters planted some flowers in old wellies.
Hedgehogs made wildflower seed bombs which they later used to create a wildflower area by the school’s front gate.
Squirrels planted some shrubs and bedding plants in the planters which we moved from the front of the school to the edge of the playground so the children can maintain them.
Badgers made some bird boxes for the woodland area. They then decorated them with paintings of wildflowers, bees, butterflies and ladybirds inspired by the invitation for the coronation which was created by Andrew Jamieson.
Date: 21st Apr 2023 @ 7:05pm
Hedgehogs’ Class have been enthused by our ‘wow’ starter to our new study theme. Mrs B found a message in bottle on a beach in Spain. But where did it come from? Who is Evan? Can we find him? The children are excited to learn about the seas and oceans of the world and hopefully rescue Evan.
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 4:31pm
Inspired by the artist Louise Bourgeois and her giant spider artwork, we have created our own sculpture in the style of ‘Maman’.
Castle and Sun by Hedgehogs' Class
Date: 17th Feb 2023 @ 2:20pm
Hedgehogs' Class have been inspired by Paul Klee's 'Castle and Sun' painting to create their own artwork using pastels and paint.
Hedgehogs' Wow Starter_Spring Term
Date: 3rd Jan 2023 @ 9:03pm
Our Wow Starter for our Minibeasts Study Theme
We began our new study theme searching for minibeasts in our woodland. We found worms, spiders, a centipede and a woodlouse. But then came Dave...
Dave brought a whole host of minibeasts for a truly 'creepy crawly' show. We met Charlie the Hissing Cocroach; Millie, the Giant African Millipede; Rosie the Chile Rose Tarantula; Finando the Black Beauty Stick Insect and Pricilla the Flat Rock Scorpian. They were all very sociable. We even 'high fived' the tarantula and shock hands with the scorpian!
We later met some animals which like to eat the minibeasts, like Leonardo de Geko the Geko, Hooter the Barn Owl and Tina the Tenrec.
Finally we met some animals further up the food chain - some snakes.
We throroughly enjoyed our visitors today and are looking forward to learning lots more about these amazing creatures.
Hedgehogs' Fantastic Finish - Flying High
Date: 29th Dec 2022 @ 1:46pm
Our ‘Fantastic Finish’ to our Autumn Term Study Theme. inspired by the Wright Brothers, the Hedgehogs’ class designed and made their own aeroplanes. We thought carefully about the materials to use and the shape of the wings. We then raced them. Some flew high, some flew low and some flew far.
Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 2:34pm
Our Hedgehogs' Class have been learning about The Parable of the Mustard seed in RE. Today, they performed a song about seeds at our Harvest Service.
Something small can most definitely become something much bigger.
Date: 4th Oct 2022 @ 7:27pm
To enrich our curriculum, the Hedgehogs' Class visited the Museum of Liverpool today.
We were able to see and therefore show a better understanding of 'The History of Transport'. We saw and learnt about lots of different modes of transport, including:
a steam train, a tram, a lorry, horse drawn carriages, bicycles and cars.
We also met a very large bird! Not a mode a transport but who couldn't visit Liverpool without meeting the Liver birds?
Date: 1st Oct 2022 @ 11:26am
As artists, the Hedgehogs' Class have been busy learning to use different grades of pencil to create their self portraits.
Hedgehogs' Class travel back in time.
Date: 6th Sep 2022 @ 9:19pm
Hedgehogs' Class were transported back in time today, to see how we could have travelled in the past.
A time machine was delivered yesterday. Mrs B followed the instructions carefully to make the machine, however there were a few parts left over when she'd finished!
We wanted to travel to the future so that we could go shopping in a fast car but the machine took us back in time to the 1800's - oops! Mrs B's car had changed into a pony and trap. We loved meeting Chance the pony and we learnt how it felt to travel by this unexpected mode of travel. It was a bit bumpy, but lots of fun.
The Big Story Labyrinth @ St Michael
Date: 14th Jun 2022 @ 7:49pm
Date: 14th Jun 2022 @ 11:31am
We were delighted to open our new outdoor prayer space for everyone to share yesterday, during a special outdoor collective worship.
A visit from some African animals
Date: 19th Apr 2022 @ 2:02pm
Wow! What a super start to our new Study Theme – Africa.
We were joined this morning by Nathan and Steven from Zoo2U. They brought with them an array of African animals. We met ‘The Captain’, the one-eyed tortoise. She usually lives in the Sahara desert. We then met ‘Jelani’ the African-spotted eagle owl who isn’t usually awake in the daytime and then we met ‘August’ the Boa Constrictor, all the way from Madagscar. Our favourite was ‘Tojo’ the Tenrec. She is also from Madagascar and although she looked a little like a hedgehog, is actually related to the elephants!
Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 4:22pm
Hedgehog’s Spring Term 2022 Learning
Can I invent and create something new?
The answer to this was most certainly yes!
Hedgehogs have been awesome inventors this term. From designing and creating their own inventions, to being inspired by artists such as Michael Lang and his mechanical art, to learning about Stone Age and Iron Age Celtic inventors.
We have been on an amazing journey of innovation.
Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 9:58pm
Over the last term, Mrs Finch has been working with each class in school to choreograph a series of dances for our Lion King production. The children were then given the opportunity to take on an acting role to join our dances together to retell the story of Lion King.
The key characters were taken on by two or three members of the school community. This allowed children from Reception through to Year 6 to take on leading roles.
The Cast
Rafiki ~ Lydia
Simba ~ Edward, Tiana & Ellourenne
Mufasa ~ Jenson & Bradley
Scar ~ Ivy, Ethan & Ashton
Sarabi ~ Amelia & Amelia
Nala ~ Lily, Eliza & Francesca
Zizi ~ Ella & Sophie
Zazu ~ Rupert& Oscar
Timon ~ Emily & Simon
Pumbaa ~ Isla & Morrison
Shenzi ~ Freddie & Millie
Banzai ~ Pati & Jenson
Ed ~ Thomas & Thomas
Hutchy ~ Alfie, Izzy & Sam
Jonsey ~ Frankie & Alfie
Vultures ~Dinah, Rosco, Tobin, Jemima, Jacob & Milo
The Animals of Pride Rock
Technical Director
Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 9:47pm
Hedgehogs have had the most amazing time at Burwardsley. They have been orienteering, woodland walking, den making, hammock building, lighting fires, singing around the campfire, exploring a round house, taking part in an archaeological dig and making some clay pots. They had a ball and learnt so much.
Date: 14th Feb 2022 @ 9:58pm
Hedgehogs have been celebrating their homework achievements for this half term. We enjoyed, robot dances, time machine demonstrations and many more amazing inventions.
Well done everyone.
Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 11:57am
Hedehogs have been busy creating prototypes from their invention designs.
As Albert Einstein said, "To invent something, all you need is imagination and a big pile of junk."
Date: 30th Nov 2021 @ 7:35pm
KS1 have been busy creating their Christingles today. We have learnt that:
The orange represents the world;
The ribbon represents God's love;
The four sticks represent the four seasons;
and the sweets represent God's creations.