Otters (Reception): Gallery

Otters fruit kebabs

Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 5:00pm

To conclude our healthy eating topic in science, Otters made their own fruit kebabs for snack this afternoon. Over the week they have been designing them with play dough, talking about what foods are healthy and how important it is to eat healthily.

Remembrance Day

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 2:15pm

Today Otters joined the rest of the school at church in marking Remembrance Day. They have been busy all week learning about the meaning of poppies and creating their own poppies for our class wreath alongside our beautiful poppy newspaper art.

Firework art

Date: 7th Nov 2022 @ 6:59pm

Otters have created some wonderful firework representations today using ‘magic rainbow paper’. We talked about the different colours, sounds and patterns fireworks make and how they can be used to mark different celebrations.

Otters bible service

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 6:59am

Otters had a wonderful afternoon yesterday. After walking to church with their buddies, Rev. Paul gave them a guided tour of our beautiful church St Leonard’s. We also listened to an interactive story from the bible and joined together in some prayers before finally being presented with our very own children's bible. Thank you to Rev. Paul, Helan Isherwood and to those who joined us for this special service. 

Otters goat visit

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 8:33am

Otters had a lovely experience yesterday when Miss Killilea brought her goats to school. They learnt all about them and enjoyed feeding them one cabbage.

Swimming lessons

Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 3:47pm

This afternoon we taught our ducklings to swim!

Otters Ducklings

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 6:31pm

It’s been a very busy day in Otters Class today, our ducklings have started hatching! We have been used lots of skills counting, discussing, observing and caring for our new additions by reading them stories.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 11:27am

This week we are using Jack and the Beanstalk as our key text. We have planted our bean seeds and created our own castles for the top of our beanstalks.

The Big Story Labyrinth @ St Michael

Date: 14th Jun 2022 @ 7:49pm

We have been busy creating some work to display in the ‘The Big Story Labyrinth‘ at St Micheal’s church in Middlewich.   Our work tells the story of some of Jesus’ miracles.   Each class has focused on one of the miracles.   Along side this work, the children have also been creating some batik banners as a back drop.

Outdoor Prayer Space

Date: 14th Jun 2022 @ 11:31am

We were delighted to open our new outdoor prayer space for everyone to share yesterday, during a special outdoor collective worship.

Otters mystery reader and fantastic finish

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 3:41pm

What a fantastic finish to our term we have had today. Amelia’s Aunt and cousin are visiting from Australia and came to Otters today to be our mystery readers. They answered lots of questions about what Australia is like including how long it takes to get to England, what the weather is like and what animals are there. Thank you again to them both.

Otters homework

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 12:59pm

We have had some wonderful homework pieces again this half term. Well done Otters!

Otters trip to Hebden Green

Date: 16th May 2022 @ 6:56pm

Otters have had a wonderful afternoon today. We visited Hebden Green School and played with the children there, making some new friends and enjoying their resources. Thank you to all the staff and pupils for accommodating us and to Mrs Leech for offering this opportunity to us and being our bus driver!

Otters Class

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 2:42pm

Otters have been busy this week showing all their characteristics of learning with their teen numbers. We have been creating and thinking critically as we leant that they always start with a 1 when we write them. Then we have been playing and exploring when we played a number hunt game to find the Numicon that matches our number. Then we have been showing active learning as we used the Numicon pieces to create our own London buildings.

Otters London Wow Starter

Date: 19th Apr 2022 @ 4:46pm

What a start to our new topic…
Otters found a big box in their classroom today we opened it up to discover ’Travelling Ted’ he had travelled all the way from his home with the Queen in London by London bus. He also brought with him a letter from the Queen herself! Otters then used the world map to locate where London was. Then we paid for a ticket for our very own (virtual) london bus trip all around London spotting all the tourist attractions along the way.

Otters Pirate Afternoon

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 3:44pm

Ooooo argh me hearties! We have had a fantastic finish to our underwater adventures topic today. We have hunted for treasure, created maps and had lots of pirate fun! Have a wonderful Easter everone. Mrs Allen 

Lion King 2022

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 9:58pm

Over the last term, Mrs Finch has been working with each class in school to choreograph a series of dances for our Lion King production.    The children were then given the opportunity to take on an acting role to join our dances together to retell the story of Lion King.    

The key characters were taken on by two or three members of the school community.    This allowed children from Reception through to Year 6 to take on leading roles.   

The Cast

Rafiki ~ Lydia 

Simba ~ Edward, Tiana & Ellourenne

Mufasa ~ Jenson & Bradley

Scar ~ Ivy, Ethan & Ashton

Sarabi ~ Amelia & Amelia

Nala ~ Lily, Eliza & Francesca

~ Ella & Sophie

Zazu ~ Rupert& Oscar


Timon ~ Emily & Simon

Pumbaa ~ Isla & Morrison

~ Freddie & Millie

Banzai ~ Pati & Jenson

Ed ~ Thomas & Thomas

Hutchy ~ Alfie, Izzy & Sam

Jonsey ~ Frankie & Alfie


Vultures ~Dinah, Rosco, Tobin, Jemima, Jacob & Milo

The Animals of Pride Rock






























Technical Director



Otters Class 17/3/22

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 10:12am

This week Otters have been using the text ’Someboday swallowed Stanley’ we have learned about jellyfish and the different oceans they swim in alongside how we can look after our oceans by recycling. We made our own jellyfish using plastic shower caps to look like Stanley. In our maths work we have been finding out about 3D shapes and which roll by testing them out on our ramps outside.

Otters week 11/3/22

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 11:08am

Otters week started off with a mystery arrival. A lost penguin and a message in a bottle. We had lots of lovely writing describing our new penguin friend and using atlas to find out where he might have come from. As part of our RE work we explored what an Easter Garden is and created our own garden using natural resources and the sand.

Otters pancake day

Date: 1st Mar 2022 @ 4:41pm

Otters have really enjoyed pancake day today. We have tasted a variety of pancake toppings, mastered pancake flipping and written some wonderful recounts about our day.

Otters Fantastic Finish

Date: 14th Feb 2022 @ 3:36pm

What a fantastic finish to our Marvellous Inventions topic. We had some amazing homework pieces and we even had our building artwork displayed in our own gallery! Otters also enjoyed looking round the other classes to see what they had been studying.

Otters enjoying their Learning Journals

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 5:22pm

Otters have enjoyed spending some time looking through their Learning Journals this afternoon. 

Otters News 21/1/22

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 11:00am

This week as artists we have drawn our buildings in readiness to start building them next week. To add additional detail we used charcoal, we agreed they all looked amazing.

In our maths work, we have been looking at the composition of 5 and learning our number bonds. We used a part-part-whole model to represent the different ways of making 5.

As scientists, we have been trying to free the penguins from the ice using tweezers and watching the different states of ice as it turned to water slowly throughout the day. We also enjoyed exploring our new light box an creating snowflakes using the gems.

In our phonics and written work we have started looking at the set 2 sounds 'ay''ee' 'igh' 'ow' 'oo' and 'oo' and using these sounds to write our Fred sentences. We have also used our amazing building pictures and written a description of what our building looks like.

This weeks poetry basket poem was 'Let's put on our mittens' ask your child to see if they can recite it for you.

Mrs Allen

Otters making snack

Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 3:23pm

Otters have been very productive designing and making their own snacks today following a simple recipe. They then washed and dried up their equipment for their friend to use.

Otters WOW starter

Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 4:18pm

What an amazing start to our new topic we have had today. We all really enjoyed our WOW starter which consisted of us becoming inventors and designing something that could help us at school. Otters worked really hard and created their own designs for a robot before building it as a group together. They then formed part of a whole school machine to create a final WOW!