We Are Learning About ...

Our first study theme of the Spring term is geography based, 'Natural Disasters'.

Amazing Island.jpg

Amazing Islan by Sabrina Weiss is a non-fiction text discovering 100 of the planets most magical islands - their wildlife, trees, diversity, people and treasures. From islands that have been taken over by animals to disappearing islands, islands made of shells, artificial islands, and even islands that were once prison colonies, Amazing Islands is a whirlwind tour of some of the smallest land masses in the world. Alongside this text, we will also be exploring 'Koji's Island' by the Literacy Comapny.

This inspirational book will hook us into writing our own version of ‘Koji’s Island’ in the first person from the point of view of the boy in the story. These texts will link our learning with other areas of our connected curriculum, identifying properties of volcanoes and earthquakes.

For more information, please take a look at our study theme web and knowledge organisers, which can be found below.    




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